Old Māngere Bridge Replacement Project
- November 12, 2020
- Posted by: Rob Sweet
- Category: Jonel Hydraulics news, Tooling
The Old Māngere Bridge replacement project includes the demolition and removal of the 250m long bridge that was originally opened in 1915 and the construction of a new shared walking and cycling bridge between the ends of the existing causeway. The new 300m long bridge features a central 60m span in structural steel together with nine approach spans in reinforced concrete. The Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency project is being delivered by McConnell Dowell.
Jonel Hydraulics provided a full system (jacks, valves, hoses, manifolds, electric hydraulic pump) to power the hollow core cylinders at the top of each corner of a frame that supported the lowering of a cofferdam waler, by the use of a macalloy bar .
The process of lowering, was to extend the cylinders to take up the load of the waler, wind down the locking nuts to cover for the stroke of the jacks, then lower the waler onto the locknuts. This process was repeated many times and incrementally the waler was lowered into position approximately 2.5m into the seabed.
The layout of the new Māngere bridge has been designed to promote safe and accessible use by a variety of users, including pedestrians, cyclists, recreational users and people fishing. The new bridge is due to open in 2022.
Jonel has worked with a wide range of clients on a variety of different bridge projects. We welcome clients who would like to involve us in the technical aspects of their upcoming projects.
Contact Shane to discuss how we can assist.